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That Wasn't the Plan Page 51

  Flurry (60 Mana) – Instant cast – Hurls a flurry of ice shards at target that strikes enemy 3 times for a total of ((400% of spell power) * 3). Each shard slows target by 50% for 5 sec. Requires frost magic skill level 15. Range 40 yards.

  Ice Barrier (30 Mana) – Instant cast – Shields caster for 1 minute, absorbing 1400% ranged spell damage. Melee attacks against caster reduces the attacker’s movement speed by 50% for 5 seconds. Armor Class is not increased. Requires frost magic skill level 20. 20 second cool down.

  Ice Barrage (100 Mana) – 4 sec cast –Releases a storm of ice on targeted area. Spell power is 1600% Spell Power. All targets in area of effect have movement slowed by 50% for duration of cast or an additional 5 seconds if they leave the area of effect. 30 second cool down. Area of effect is 10 yards. Requires frost magic skill level 30. Any direct damage will cancel the cast. Range 100 yards.

  *Special Attack – (600 Mana) - Can be continuously channeled for up to 30 seconds for continuous 1600% spell damage every 5 seconds. 30 second cool down.


  Heal (50 Mana) – 10 sec cast – Ray of golden light that heals target for 500% Spell Power. Range 60 yards.

  Quick Heal (30 Mana) – 5 sec cast – A pulse of golden light that quickly heals target for 300% Spell Power. Requires healing magic skill level 5. Range 60 yards.

  Restore (40 Mana) – 3 sec cast – A flash of golden light that instantly heals target for (50% of Spell power) and then (300% of Spell power) over 15 sec. Requires healing magic skill level 10. Range 40 yards.

  Minor Healing (60 Mana) – 5 sec cast – A ray of golden light that instantly heals target for 800% Spell Power. Requires healing magic skill level 15. Range 60 yards.

  Minor Mend Bones (80 Mana) – 10 sec cast – A healing energy that heals target of minor debilitating debuffs 200% Spell Power. Requires healing magic skill level 15. Range 60 yards.

  Minor Dispel (60 Mana) – 5 sec cast – Removes one beneficial magical effect on enemy target, or removes one negative magical effect on friendly target. Requires healing magic skill level 15. Range 60 yards.

  Holy Shield (80 Mana) – 3 sec cast – Absorbs 350 points of damage. Requires healing magic skill level 20. Can only be cast on one target at a time. 10 second cool down. Expires automatically after a half an hour. Range 60 yards.

  Light’s Blessing (200 Mana) – 120 sec cast – Gives an additional 500 Hit Points to target when cast. Requires healing magic skill level 25. Expires automatically after one hour. Range 10 yards.

  Regeneration (100 Mana) – Instant cast – An aura of light that continuously heals target every second for ten seconds at 800% Spell Power. Requires healing magic skill level 30. Range 60 yards.

  Minor Cure Disease (80 Mana) – Instant cast – Cures one poison on inflicted target. Requires Light magic skill level 35. Range 60 yards.

  Light Word of Censor (150 Mana) – Instant cast – Creates an aura around target in a five yard radius that unleashes the judgement of light for 600% spell power. The affect also stuns the target for five seconds. One minute cool down between casts. Requires Light magic skill level 35. Range 60 yards.

  Resurrection (1000 Mana) – 60 sec cast - Brings a dead player back to life with 25% health and mana. Cannot be cast when in combat. Range 40 yards.

  Enhanced Resurrection (3000 Mana) – 30 sec cast - Brings a dead player back to life with 25% health and mana. Spell is able to regenerate internal organs such as eyes, kidneys, and similar internal organs. Cannot regenerate heart, brain, or missing limbs. Three day time limit on resurrecting targets using this spell. Cannot be cast when in combat. Range 20 yards.


  Flame Blast (40 Mana) – 2 sec cast – Launches Blast of fire at enemy. Fire damage is 200% of Spell Power. Burns target for an additional 20 seconds for 5 points of damage every 5 seconds. Range 60 yards.

  Fireball (60 Mana) – 2.5 sec cast – Hurls a fiery ball at enemy. Fire damage is 300% of Spell Power. Burns target for an additional 20 seconds for 10 points of damage every 5 seconds. Area of effect is 5 yards. Requires fire magic skill level 10. Range 40 yards.

  Pyroblast (80 Mana) – 3.5 sec cast – Blasts a fiery ball at enemy. Fire damage is 1200% of Spell Power. Burns target for an additional 15 points of damage every 5 seconds. Area of effect is 7 yards. Requires fire magic skill level 15. Range 100 yards.


  Summoning Tree:

  Soul Stone (20 Mana) – Instant cast – Used to capture the soul of a creature upon death. Once activated, the spell is always on for the caster to capture the souls of their vanquished enemies. These soul stones are then used to raise the dead as their undead pets.

  Raise Zombie (25 Mana per soul level) – 3 minute cast – Requires a soul stone per cast. Raises captured soul as an undead pet of the same level upon death that will serve the caster until released or dead.

  *Number of pets available to caster is determined by caster’s intelligence level. **50 points of intelligence required per raised pet.

  Undead Resiliency – Activates upon command – Summoned creature can recover health by consuming the dead. Based on level of corpse in comparison to level of summon creature. Corpse cannot be skinned after this skill has been used. Requires dark magic skill level 5.

  Touch of the Grave I (80 Mana) – 10 sec cast – Raises the damage of the summon creature’s natural weapons by 150 points per attack (Aka: slashes and bites). Requires dark magic skill level 10. Expires automatically after one hour. Range 60 yards.

  Monstrous Vitality (80 Mana) – 10 sec cast – Raises summon creature’s life by 300 points. Requires dark magic skill level 15. Expires automatically after one hour. Range 10 yards.

  Grave Flesh – 5 sec cast - Raises the summoned creature’s armor points by 200 points. Expires automatically after one hour. Requires dark magic skill level 20. Affects all pets within a 10 yard radius.

  Leeching Touch I – 5 sec cast - Summoned creature receives 1% of damage dealt back as Hit Points. Expires automatically after one hour. Requires dark magic skill level 25. Affects all pets within a 10 yard radius.

  Destruction Tree:

  Shadow Bolt (50 Mana) – 2 sec cast – Launches a shadowy bolt of Dark Magic at enemy. Requires dark magic skill level 5. Damage is 600% of Spell Power. Range 60 yards.

  Enhanced Shadow Bolt (60 Mana) – Instant cast – Launches a shadowy bolt of Dark Magic at enemy. Damage is 1200% of Spell Power. Requires dark magic skill level 15. Range 100 yards.

  Corpse Explosion (80 Mana) – Instant cast – Any selected corpse explodes causing 600% Spell Power damage. Area of effect is 3 yards. Requires Dark magic skill level 25. Range is 60 yards.

  Torment Tree:

  Life Leech (80 Mana per sec) – 30 sec channeling – Drains life from target, causing Dark magic damage. Damage to target is 2400% of Spell Power for every second of spell activation and returns 5% of the damage back to the caster as health. Requires dark magic skill level 15. Requires caster to be touching the target.

  Bone Shield (40 Mana) – instant cast – Forms and orbiting shield around caster that absorbs up to 500 points of damage. Requires Dark magic skill level 20. Can only be cast on self. Expires after 1 hour.

  Bone Fangs (50 Mana) – instant cast - Upgrades bone shield to cause 200% Spell Damage to all creatures within a three yard radius around caster. Requires Dark magic skill level 25. Can only be cast on self and when Bone Shield is in effect. Expires after 1 hour.

  Grip of the Dead (200 Mana) – 3 sec - Targeted location erupts with skeletal hands that will attempt to hold all large, normal, and small creatures within the area effect of the spell. Held creatures can still attack and defend themselves, but all attack and defense actions are taken at a negative 10% due to balance. Spell casting take 50% longer. 30 second cooldown after cast. Area of effect is 5 yards. Requires Dark magic skill level 35. Range is 60 yards.



  Detect Liquid (5 Mana) – 10 sec cast – Most liquids a
re essentially water. The spell enables a shaman to detect liquids. Requires Water Shaman skill level 0. Range 40 yards.

  Draw Liquid I (10 Mana per sec) – 30 sec channeling – Most liquids are essentially water. The spell enables a shaman to draw liquids to caster. If used in combat the damage to target is 200% Spell Power per second of spell’s activation. Requires Water Shaman skill level 5. Range 40 yards.

  Alter Liquid I (20 Mana) – 5 sec cast – Most liquids are essentially water. The spell enables a shaman to alter the composition of a liquid. Can be used to remove contaminates from liquids. Can be used to separate liquids from other liquids. If used in combat the damage to target is 200% Spell Power. Requires Water Shaman skill level 10. Range 40 yards.


  Zap (10 Mana) – instant cast – Shoots a bolt of concentrated decay force at enemy doing 50% Spell Power damage. Requires Nature Magic skill level 0. Range 100 yards.

  Manifest Giant Squirrel (100 Mana) – 60 sec cast – Manifest a level 10 giant squirrel to protect caster for a day or until creature is destroyed or dismissed. Requires Nature Magic skill level 10. Cooldown of 24 hours.

  Enhanced Shocking Grip (60 Mana) – instant cast – Sends out a chaotic force of natural energy into target that deals 800% Spell Power. Requires Nature Magic skill level 20. Range touch.

  Manifest Large Wolf (200 Mana) – 60 sec cast – Summons a level 20 large wolf to protect caster for a day or until creature is destroyed or dismissed. Requires Nature Magic skill level 20. Cooldown of 24 hours.

  Enhanced Magic Armor (40 Mana) – instant cast – Creates a shield of Nature Magic that acts like armor giving wearer plus 800 to armor class against physical attacks and 800% protection against Spell Damage. Requires Nature Magic skill level 25. Range 10 yards. Cooldown of 30 seconds.

  Healing Breeze - (60 Mana) – instant cast – Sends the wind of life force into target area that heals all friendly teammates and allies for 1200% Spell Power. Requires Nature Magic skill level 25. Range 100 yards. Target area 40 yards radius from the point designated.

  Homing Zap (120 Mana) – instant cast – Shoots three bolts of concentrated decay force at enemy doing 500% Spell Power damage each. Requires Nature Magic skill level 30. Range 100 yards.

  Manifest Cave Bear (300 Mana) – 60 sec cast – Summons a level 30 Cave Bear to protect caster for a day or until creature is destroyed or dismissed. Requires Nature Magic skill level 30. Cooldown of 24 hours.

  Shadow Magic:

  Slip Into Shadow (200 Mana/50 Agility/25 Spirit/25 Intelligence) – Instant cast – Allows caster to enter Stealth when being observed. Does not function if under attack. Three second cool down between casts. Requires Shadow magic skill level 0. Range is self only.

  War Leader:

  Level V – High Strategist:

  -Plus 5% Increase to magic healing for team or raid when outnumbered.

  -Plus 5% Increase to magic damage for team or raid when outnumbered.

  -Plus 5% Increase to range damage for team or raid when outnumbered.

  -Plus 5% Increase to melee damage for team or raid when outnumbered.

  -Plus 3% Increase to melee defense for team or raid when attacking a fortified position.

  -Plus 3% Increase to range defense for team or raid when attacking a fortified position.

  -Plus 3% Increase to magic defense for team or raid when attacking a fortified position.

  -Plus 2% Increase to melee damage for team or raid.

  -Plus 1% Increase to melee defense for team or raid.


  Stealth I

  Sneak Attack I

  Backstab I

  Concentration I

  Quick Shot I

  Overpower I

  Kick Back I

  Knockdown I

  Gouge I

  Duel Wield I

  Power Attack I

  Execute I

  Dual Cast I

  Multishot I

  Perception I


  Skinning Level 19

  Jury-Rigging Level 5

  Lumberjack Level 30

  Wood Working Level 9

  Construction Level 18

  Architecture Level 8

  Mining Level 16 (+2 when Pickaxe of Earth is equipped)

  Herbalism Level 25

  Enchanting Level 1

  Smithing Level 54

  Alchemy Level 112

  Cartography Level 10

  Exotic Animal Handling Level 15

  Beast Companion:

  Silver Dire Wolf, Neysa, level 35

  Manifested Pets:

  Giant Squirrel: Tengsly (Gray Flying Squirrel - level 15)

  Large Wolf: Shadow Fang (Shadow Wolf - level 27)

  Cave Bear: Kitano (Demon Bear - level 33)

  Soulbound Companion:

  Helgath (Half-Orc), Water Shaman, level 32

  Available Pets:

  Available slots - 3 (+9) = 12

  Currently Summoned - 12



  Special Awards:

  -Permanent 3% increased damage to all attacks for all members of any team or raid you are a member.

  -Permanent 3% increased defense for all members of any team or raid you are a member.

  Additional Special Attacks and Abilities:

  -Blood Plague (Type: Disease) Target suffers 10 points of Dark Magic damage every second for 30 seconds. Area of Effect: 30 Yard radius from caster. Cooldown - 3 minutes

  *when Greatsword of Corruption is equipped.

  -Removes all root effects to wielder and all summoned creatures.

  -Increases the chance of dropping Soul Stones by 12%.

  -Summoned creature has 3% chance of receiving one of killed creature's special attacks or skills.

  -Summoned creature has a 30% chance of keeping one of its special skills.

  +200 Attack Power to Summoned Creatures

  +5 to the maximum number of Summoned Creatures.

  +3 level increase to all Summoned Creatures

  +50% Resistant to Elemental magic.

  -Ignores target’s armor.

  -5% of maximum health leeched per second on successful strike until dagger is removed.

  *When Leeching Dagger of Piercing is equipped.

  +10% Haste to range attacks.

  *When wearing Delonshire Guard quiver.

  -Renders lesser undead creatures such as zombies, skeletons, spirits and etc. neutral and unable to attack first.

  Permanent 3% increased damage to all attacks for all members of any team or raid you are a member.

  Permanent 3% increased defense for all members of any team or raid you are a member.

  Startum Ironwolf’s Gear

  Rockjaw Chopper (for cutting wood)

  Item Quality: Inferior

  Item Type: Crafted

  Attack: One-hand Edge

  Weapon Type: Axe

  Damage 23-31

  Durability: 25/25

  Weight: 4 kg

  Black Coral Iron-reinforced Defender

  Item Quality: Superior

  Item Type: Crafted

  Armor: 2000

  Armor Type: Medium

  Durability: 200/200

  Weight: 14 kg

  +10 Strength

  +10 Stamina

  -40% increase chance to block.

  -Resistant to elemental magic +5%


  *This item has been magically grown from black coral

  Pickaxe of Earth (Star)

  Item Quality: Superior

  Item Type: Unique

  Attack: One-hand Edge

  Weapon Type: Pickaxe

  Damage: 30-50

  Durability: 180/200

  Weight: 4 kg

  +2 to Mining

  Vicious Executioner's Axe of Cruelty (Purple)

  Item Quality: Uncommon

  Item Type: Crafted

  Attack: One-hand Edge

  Weapon Type: Axe
/>   Damage: 160-185

  Durability: 287/300

  Weight: 15 kg

  +30 Strength

  +30 Stamina

  -200% increase of pain inflicted with every successful hit.

  -Deals double damage on targets under twenty-five percent health.

  -Rend, causes the target to bleed with every successful hit for an additional 25 points of damage for 15 seconds.

  -100% decapitation when struck against the neck of any large or smaller incapacitated target.

  Leeching Dagger of Piercing (Star)

  Item Quality: Good

  Item Type: Common

  Attack: One-hand Edge

  Weapon Type: Dagger

  Damage: 34-41*

  Durability: 100/100

  Weight: 2.3 kg

  -Ignores target’s armor.

  *20 points of health leeched per second for 15 seconds on each successful strike.

  Dark Blade of Lord Kayden (Star)

  Item Quality: Epic

  Item Type: Unique

  Attack: One-hand Edge

  Weapon Type: Sword

  Damage: 110-130 (upgraded to 185-205)

  Durability: 400/400

  Weight: 7.5 kg

  +20 Strength (+29)

  +20 Intelligence (+29)

  +20 Stamina (+29)

  -Soulbound on pickup.