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The True Enemy Revealed Page 25

  Still, Assault Leader Dell and Scout Captain Dherler both had a good point. What would be the fallout if the Chaos Storm guild and their alliance were able to get a solid foothold in the Kingdom of Kader? How would that affect our future if Princess Reeva was put to death and blamed for this catastrophe? Hell, they might even try to blame the House of Kayden for this apocalyptic tragedy. It could be all kinds of bad, I finally admitted to myself, silently swearing at the impatient bitch.

  Both soldiers wisely kept their mouths shut as I considered the implications of what they were saying. If the Chaos Storm guild survived the coming northern invasion, they’d dominate the region. Even if they lost the region, their narrative would be the only one people would hear of the events leading up to the realm’s fall. The truth would be lost in the proceeding devastation. If the guild leader of Chaos Storm played their hand wisely, they could turn the rulers of the various kingdoms against our house. I silently groused at where that left us, especially with a princess who was currently MIA.

  Doing another round of resurrection gave me some time to think as both men wordlessly waited. Slumping back down with Helgath, I glared at them both. “You know, Princess Reeva is so irritating that I honestly want nothing to do with her, right?” I asked, as they nodded their heads in understanding. Neither of us commenting on the suppressed smiles they tried to hide as I held my head and groaned.

  I was down to the last four adult civilians as Gykac and his squad of Shadow Scouts hurried over with Logan West’s corpse. Quickly, they laid him out with his bloody head pressed to his lifeless body. Yun and Thompson came over to focus on the healing that would be required for this, since one had to mend bones while the other cast Regeneration. It was the only way to make sure the Sub-Leader survived his resurrection. Putting the conversation on hold, I stood up with Helgath as we got to work.

  After five hours of healing, even standing up and sitting down in-between each round of spell casting was starting to get old. At least, there was a light at the end of the tunnel. Once I resurrected this batch, we only had three hundred and fifty children plus the squad of fifty swordsmen left to do. Looking at the children’s little bodies laid out before me still caused my blood boil.

  The slaughter wasn’t done out of cruelty, per say. At least I didn’t think so. If anything, it was done for simple expediency by players who couldn’t see the bigger picture. It would have made more sense to use the productivity of the town at least for future growth. Honest, the whole thing didn’t make any sense. Even the Dread Pack’s guild leader couldn’t have been so blind. So, if that wasn’t the case, then what was?

  Thinking back to my questioning of Amron Bungholio on the docks, it was peculiar how he’d been expecting a fleet of Sea Orcs to dock in the port. It made me think that the Chaos Storm guild and their alliance hadn’t even been planning on holding the city. Maybe giving up Darom was part of whatever agreement they were making with the northern invaders? Who knows, they could be thinking that the Orcs were just a bunch of dumb NPCs and that they’d renege on the agreement whenever it was convenient for them. Hadn’t these idiots fought these monsters yet? Didn’t they know what they were getting into?

  Obviously not, I thought sourly as my spell completed. Instead of just resurrecting the five adults, Helgath had managed to expand the spell to raise up ten children too. There was a surge as the actual parents of the children anxiously pushed their way forward. Yun and Thompson quickly combined their magic to get Logan’s head fully attached. Although, I almost thought it didn’t work for a moment when suddenly the large man surged into a sitting position gasping for breath.

  “Milord Ironwolf!” the man hoarsely shouted, nearly passing out from the strain on his body as I dropped down on my knees next to him. “The Iron Falcons … they … betrayed us-“

  “It’s alright Logan,” I said, silencing the big man while supporting him by the shoulders. “We know about their betrayal. Just relax and let your body mend.”

  “My men,” the Sub-Leader cried out with tears streaming down his face. “Did you save my men?”

  “We’re in the process of resurrecting everyone now.” I assured him as he clutched at my shoulder shuddering. While I sat down next to the man, Helgath watched my interaction with the trooper intently. Without thought, I handed him my beer stein. As he gulped it down like a man dying of thirst, I continued in a low voice. “From what we were able to piece together, they must have attacked while you were de-leveling the last of the Dread Pack’s army.”

  For a long moment, Logan said nothing as he hunched over the empty stein held in his lap. Taking a deep breath, he began his story. “We’d nearly had them all de-leveled to zero. There was a group of twenty newfar being led by a particularly nasty warrior named Apoxsee Neoauspex that was causing problems. Still, we’d managed to get them down into the teens, when we were attacked by those disloyal bastards.” The man caught himself, bobbing his head respectfully.

  “Sorry, I mean the Iron Falcons, milord.” Smiling at the man’s apologetic look, I waved the soldier’s strong language away. I was the last person to complain about someone else cursing. “We tried to reform our lines against the new threat, but they overwhelmed us in moments.”

  “You did your best in an untenable situation and still accomplished the primary mission, which was hurting them bad.” I said, confidently clapping the man on the shoulder. “I couldn’t be prouder of what you and your men accomplished.”

  “How did Ollie and Liam manage?” Logan asked, accepting my praise with a tired smile.

  “They captured all of their newfar. All of which are now in the Warden’s dungeon.” I stated happily. “You were the only ones the mercenaries attacked.”

  Silently nodding at my words, Logan’s eyes slowly took in the restless parents hovering around us. Glancing over at me, he whispered under his breath. “What’s up with the civilians, milord? They look to be on the verge of a riot.”

  “Most of them are waiting for me to finish raising their children.” I said, nodding to the mini-corpses laid out behind him. Whipping around to look in the direction of my nod, his body stiffened at the horrendous sight behind him. Turning around slowly, his haunted eyes met mine. “I thought only demi-Humans did such evil?”

  “Unfortunately, demi-Humans are not the only ones with the propensity of doing evil. Every race has the capacity to be monsters.” I said, my voice pensive as Helgath leaned against me to offer her support. Shaking the heavy thoughts away, I held Logan’s gaze. “We have much to do before we can call it a night, Sub-Leader.”

  “What needs to be done, milord?” Logan asked, without batting an eye.

  “I need you to help Team Leader Ozisin and his men connect the correct heads to the rest of your men.” I said, standing up as Gykac stepped forward.

  “Connecting the correct heads?” he muttered, unsure of what I meant as the Dark elf and I helped him to his feet.

  “Sub-Leader Hawkin chopped off you and your men’s heads and threw them in the woods. Scout Captain Dherler’s men found them and brought them back so we could resurrect you.” I explained as the man’s eyes bulged out of his head. I’m sure the thought of being permanently killed when he had someone willing to resurrect him and his soldiers was a horrifying thought. I saw the large man uncomfortably run a hand over his throat as he gulped uncomfortably.

  “Please tell me we’re going to make those bastards pay?” he asked, meeting my gaze head-on.

  “One way or another,” I promised. “Once I’m finished up with the young ones, I’ll be by to raise the rest of your unit.”

  “Thank you, milord.” He said, as he headed towards the other side of the arena with Gykac in the lead. Without a word, I helped Helgath to her feet and got back to work. This time, Helgath was able to stretch our magic to reach twenty children at once. We nearly collapsed where we stood as the children’s families surged forward, many of the mothers and fathers crying in relief and hugging us in thanks afterwards.
Standing up, Nivirth gave me a silent fist salute as Assault Leader Dell rose to his feet next to him. As the Scout Captain headed over to where his Dark elves were working with Sub-Leader West, Dell leaned down and whispered in my ear.

  “Once you’re finished with civilians, Old Man Fortner and the survivors of Darom have asked to speak with you.” Seeing my raised eyebrow, the veteran swordsman just grinned and gave me a fist salute, before heading off.

  Helgath and I waited for our mana to regenerate, before repeating the process. In the interim, we discussed things like magic, culture, and the future of the House of Kayden. Through it all, I could feel the loyalty and love she had for me shining through whenever we mentally touched. While that might make her seem somewhat like a simpleton, that was far from the case. Her mind was complex and had an approach to problems that focused on getting the job done. Some might call her approach to problem solving devious and underhanded, but doing whatever it took to win wasn’t the same thing as winning without honor. Let’s just say, it was a perspective I could truly appreciate.

  While she’d never been part of an invasion force, Helgath had seen many of the siege engines the Orcs used being built and had heard of many others. She shared with me everything she’d seen or heard during her time as a slave and I soaked it up like a sponge. My mind constantly thinking of ways to counteract what we might face as the puzzle of a typical siege took shape in my mind’s eye.

  Fifty minutes went by before the last child was brought back to life. By the time we’d finished, the arena was filled with excited voices as we collapsed side by side in exhaustion. All of my friends had joined the mini-celebration. I saw their faces look around questioningly as Assault Leader Dell, the other Sub-Leaders, and Team Leaders that were present suddenly stood up proudly. All around us the townspeople grew silent as Old Man Fortner, Darom’s unofficial elder, came to a stop in front of me. His hawk-like face looked around at the newfar present as his deep voice called out.

  “People of Darom,” he began. “These newfar put their lives on the line to save our lives. They fought the dishonorable scourge that took over our city and slaughtered our people. They could have left us in our bondage, but instead chose to free us from our chains. The Royal House commanded that they leave our people where their corpses lay on the streets. To leave our children lying dead in their trash heap just so they wouldn’t lose a day to pursue the throne. Instead of bowing to Princess Reeva’s demands to leave our dead where they lay, Lord Ironwolf refused. He placed a commoners’ need ahead of that of the nobility.”

  There was dead silence at this proclamation. I saw my friends looking around somewhat nervously and the serious faced crowd as they wondered about this portent. Well, everyone but Kenzie and Thomas who already seemed to know what was up. Even Helgath and Neysa seemed to know what the deal was as the massive Silver Dire Wolf took her place at my side, almost towering over me with her new levels.

  “Lord Ironwolf didn’t ask to be paid for his actions. He didn’t demand anything at all from us. From everything I’ve learned, he and his friends did this simply because it was the right thing to do. It was to our good fortune that these honorable warriors just happened to be passing through on their way to help his comrade in arms on the Isolde Line. A friend who is even now under attack by the same dishonorable scum that took over our city, slaughtered our people, and put us in chains. In my estimation, he is a lord worth following.”

  “From what I’ve learned, our greatest fears have come to pass. The Isolde Line has nearly completely fallen. The Dread Pack and their alliance of evil has slaughtered nigh everyone who guarded the northern border. Even now, the shadow of the Great Wars once again looms across the lands. I have talked with the Royal Army that have taken up Lord Ironwolf’s banner. They say we are welcome to fall back to the safety of their lord’s lands, while they gather their strength to drive the northern invaders from our lands.”

  “We, the people of Darom, have discussed this and are in agreement. We will serve the House of Kayden to overcome the evil that threatens our existence.” Old Man Fortner said with a flourish, as he dropped to a knee in front of me and bowed his head. Across the arena, all of the survivors of Darom, the city’s guards, and the Royal Army did the same as a hush fell over the crowd. As Fortner’s aged voice rose up, the rest of the townspeople repeated after him.

  “I, James Fortner, pledge my life, my fortune and my sacred honor to Lord Ironwolf of the House of Kayden.” There was a weird echoing sound as each person said their own name. It sort of reminded me of the old movies when you’d see refugees coming in through Ellis Island and swearing their allegiance to the United States, albeit I was as far away from a democracy as you could possibly get. At best, I was somewhere in-between an absolute monarch and a benevolent dictatorship. Unsurprising in a real time strategy game like this but somewhat embarrassing for my personal beliefs. Then again, maybe this was really who I was.

  For now, I made a promise to do my best for those under me. If they were unhappy, I’d do my best to work within that frame work I’d established to make things better as much as possible. If that wasn’t enough, then I’d make sure my people always had the option to leave. Not that leaving was much of an option. While it sounded magnanimous, it really wasn’t since the only options were to live in security or wander into the dangerous wilds to be slaughtered by monsters.

  I’d just have to rely on my friends for guidance. I’m sure Thomas, Kenzie, Sarka, Yun, the Devil Dogs and Valkyrie players would set me straight if I began abusing my authority. So, as long as my friends and allies were happy with how I was running things, I wouldn’t worry. Taking a deep breath, I squared my shoulders, speaking loud enough for everyone in the arena to hear me.

  “I accept your oaths and pledge my life, my fortune and my sacred honor in return to you.” I replied just as solemnly as I offered Old Man Fortner my hand and lifted him up while waving for the survivors of Darom to do likewise. “We will make a safe place for our people and destroy those who would cause us harm.”

  The roar in response to my words shook the arena as everyone raised their fists into the air and cheered. At the same time, a bunch of system messages appeared before my eyes.

  Congratulations! You have successfully completed the Secret Quest Helping a Stranger in Need Two. You have gained 5,819 Experience Points. You have gained 5,819 to Reputation. You have taken ownership of the city of Darom. You have gained access to the resources of the Human realm. You now have the option of purchasing additional Humans in the NPC Recruiter. You have gained 5,819 vassals. James Fortner, aka Old Man Fortner, is now your companion. You have gained the title, Scourge of the Dishonorable.

  Congratulations! You have reached Level 34!

  You have 5 Attribute Points Unspent!

  “The plan right now is to have everyone fall back to my lands around BrokenFang Hold.” I said, as the cheering died down. More than one face tightened up at my words, but with the collapse of the Isolde Line, this course of action wasn’t a surprise to anyone. Still, it was hard for people to leave everything they’d known behind. “I apologize for this hardship, but it’s the only way I can see us holding out against the initial rush headed our way. Once we’ve solidified our lands and know our peoples are safe, we’ll push out and retake that which was lost.”

  “In the morning, well work with the remaining Howling Wolves squadron of biremes and our Gnomeling Trader ships to transport everyone to the Light Elf city of Myathlune and beyond that to BrokenFang Hold. Bring what you can, but whatever is missing we’ll replace, craft, or build as necessary. You are not alone. You have my word that we’ll face the future together.”

  The resolve in the faces looking back at me filled me with a determination I’d never felt before. At the same time, it was somewhat daunting to have all of these lives counting on me. Taking a deep breath, I continued. “For now, I ask that you recover from your ordeal, eat, drink, and console each other. In the morning we’ll start the
preparations for moving out. If you’ll excuse me, I need to resurrect the last remaining few of our soldiers that fell during the battle and then I can join in on the celebration.”

  With a half-bow, I excused myself. Pulling Helgath to her feet, I nodded for Yun and Thompson to follow as we made our way through the crowd towards the far side of the arena where the last of our dead were laid out. Soldiers and civilians came forward to pat me on the shoulder along with my friends as we passed by. More than one Devil Dog received a hero’s kiss. Truly, it was all a little overwhelming. By the time we made it through the townsfolk and reached Logan and the Dark elves helping him, more beer kegs had been opened and people were grilling up food everywhere.

  We got to work immediately. The last fifty troopers took most an hour to raise up. We were all busy as Yun and Thompson scrambled to hit the newly risen soldiers with the proper spells to make sure they didn’t lose their heads. Most had died traumatically and needed to be soothed when they breathed in their first breaths. It was a lot of work and many of the soldiers were distraught from their entire ordeal. It was a relief to finish up and make our way back to our friends.

  One good thing about this entire episode, besides the additional vassals, was that I’d earned an extra two points in Intelligence and Spirit each for the intense casting and recovery. While that might not sound like much, extra stats were extra stats which were no joke. My rings and such were mostly low level pieces of crap that needed to be upgraded, but replacing them was far down on the list of things that needed to be done. Besides, everything good in the town had already been ransacked.

  When we made our way back to Thomas and the others, there was a full-fledged party under way. It was a mix of everyone. Devil Dogs, the Revenants, my companions, civilians, soldiers and their families. Team Leader Runeschoff was canoodling with some hot blonde in-between filling empty steins with beer. Sarka was chatting with another Team Leader named Carnell who was grilling up some kababs of meat, while a motherly lady leaned against his back in-between wrangling two kids.