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Neck-Deep In It: A LitRPG and GameLit Series. Page 10

  Wow, Shadow had managed to gain eleven levels over the last few days. The only way that could’ve happened was that he’d received XP for taking down players and monsters. Nothing else made sense, I thought, as I tried to understand the Feat process. The other aspect that stood out was that, unlike Combat Pets, Manifest Pets must gain Feats every ten levels instead of five. That, and they didn’t get to apply them until they were next summoned.

  Just for shits and giggles, I quickly pulled up Kitano’s Character Sheet. Hmmm, level 38. That means the Manifest Cave Bear should be getting his first set of Feats once he hits level 40. Tucking that thought away, I closed the secondary window and went back to Shadow Fang’s Feat list to review each ability.

  While all three were interesting, none were particularly helpful to the current situation. While the Shadow Essence’s ability to pass through solid objects was the most interesting of the three, I didn’t see it as being particularly useful. At least, not against the horde of Orcs that were headed our way. Shadow Nature was okay but only if it could be leveled up to a higher percent.

  Hopefully, that would be a future option that could stack. The only Feat that really made any sense was the Shadow Strike Feat. While ten percent wasn’t much in overall damage, against something like the Ogres that were nearly invulnerable at our current level, that ten percent could possibly mean the difference between life and death in the right situation, especially if there was an upgrade option in another ten levels. Making the selection, I closed out the system window just as we entered into the wide-open area before the Eastern gates.

  Well, wide-open was somewhat of an oxymoron since the entire killing zone was packed full with people going about their business. Though, unlike the night before during our infamous “Naked Raid”, it was now mostly filled with squads of royal forces going about the business of getting ready for the coming siege. Everywhere I looked there were bundles of spears, bundles of crossbow bolts, barrels of what was probably oil, and other crates of equipment being carried or carted to stairwells that led to the top of the outer walls. While it was an impressive effort and gave me some hope that Palnisdale could hold out against the massive Orc horde headed their way, the too thin faces and baggy uniforms told a different story.

  These troopers were obviously the homeless men and women that I’d seen lining the streets the night before. While a part of me was proud at being able to return these soldiers’ honor and get them back in their uniforms where they belonged, the truth of the matter was that they were still in bad shape after only one night of decent food and sleeping in a warm bed. Though, it was doubtful if all of them had managed even that with all of the excitement that had been going on. Still, if they could hold out long enough to fully recover, Palnisdale just might have a chance to survive what was coming. The only question was if the enemy was going to give them the time they needed to recover. I figured that mostly depended on what the vanguard ended up doing and how long it took for the boys to get everyone trained up on raising zombies. That, and how many players took up quests for protecting the city.

  As we rode out into the crowded square, I surveyed the small number of players scattered around the area. Most seemed to be in partial groups looking for pickups to fill out their team or mini-raid. While there wasn’t nearly as many players here as there’d been last night, I honestly didn’t think that would be too much of a problem since this was a Friday night. Once people started getting home from work, there’d be a huge influx of volunteers looking for some easy XP. That should carry the defenders over until early Monday morning, I silently thought, when I suddenly noticed the mass of royal troopers had come to a stop around us.

  “What the hell is going on Dell?” I asked in a hushed voice, as a corridor opened before us all the way to the Eastern gate. At the base of the wall, I could see Phoenix, Krishna, and the rest of the Uten Syn guild waiting next to the familiar face of Guard Leader Stonier near the massive ironbound doors. Before I could contemplate why they were here and not with the rest of the raid, Dell led us between the mass of men and women standing at attention.

  “It’s the royal troopers measure of respect for what you did for them upon your arrival,” General Dell answered in a much louder voice then I’d expected. “The story has spread throughout the royal forces in the city like a wildfire.”

  “It’s not like I killed the Dil-Hilth all on my own. That was a team effort!” I hissed back, feeling awkward as the men and women began saluting at our passing. As the movement began to spread throughout the troopers around us like a ship’s wake moving across a calm sea, a few of the nearest players derogatory comments made it to my ears.

  Krusher Zezima: Who does that asshole think he is and why are all of these NPC losers saluting him?

  Skywar PvPGod: Are zombies even allowed in the city limits?

  Krieg Korps: Don’t know, but that’s one killer-looking mount.

  Agraphobia Knight: They probably work like any other combat pet.

  Subaru Remotay: Isn’t that the same guy that was running the Naked Raid last night?

  Sephiroth Azura: Must be one of those Basic Start noobs, betcha the chump can’t even move in all that armor.

  Zorex TheDestroyer: I’ll take that bet.

  Sephiroth Azura: Fuck off Zorex!

  “That’s not the reason they’re offering you their respect,” General Dell said nonplussed, pulling my attention back to our conversation. Seeing that I wasn’t getting it, he spelled it out. “Look, every royal trooper in Palnisdale has heard the story of how you commanded the Royal Guards to get the homeless men and women fed and back into uniform so they were off the streets.” He smirked suddenly as he looked me up and down.

  “Well, that, and how you took Gregory and his men on a naked raid against the second Dil-Hilth and got the newfar to stop the Orcs trying to break into the city,” Dell said, incredulously shaking his head. “I still can’t believe you didn’t wake me up for that wild run.”

  “As it was, we almost didn’t make it in time,” I said, holding up a hand apologetically, “and trust me when I say we were doing the best we could in a shitty situation.”

  “That’s exactly the point!” Dell roared excitedly. “Do you think any of those fancily dressed nobles ever once thought about raising their voices in protest about the thousands of loyal troopers being unjustly kicked out onto the streets of Palnisdale to starve to death?” His blazing green eyes flared in outrage. “How many of those prissy pansies back in the Great Room would’ve run into battle naked to save the city from an invasion?”

  “Not a one of them!” Dell spat in disgust. “If just one of those corrupt nobles had even a modicum of personal honor or concern for the safety of the Kingdom of Kader and its people, the Dil-Hilth’s threat would’ve been discovered before we ever came to Palnisdale,” his face scrunched up as he thought over his words, “or at least the damage would’ve been severely limited. But no, not one of those fools cared about anything other than themselves and how much power they could grab for their families.” His voice grew husky as he looked up at me on Neysa’s back. “You’re the first lord I ever met that concerned themselves with the plight of commoners.”

  As General Dell came to the end of his spiel, I noticed that a number of royal troopers who had heard his words were nodding their heads in silent agreement as they snapped off their salutes. No doubt the rumors of what was said would be spread throughout the city too. While I appreciated the veteran Swordsman’s words, I didn’t particularly feel that worthy of the praise. It was easy to be brave when you were only risking a virtual life and some XP. That difference between us gave the people of The World a sense of false bravado when it came to how newfar faced death.

  Though, for a Nightmare Start player such as myself, I will admit that dying wasn’t anything pleasant to go through when the pain threshold was set to seventy-five percent realism. So, maybe I was worthy to a point, I silently thought, sitting up straighter on Neysa’s back. Meetin
g Dell’s proud gaze, I gave him a resolute nod.

  Our shared moment was interrupted when Fylreh suddenly jostled my armored leg. Quickly looking her way, I saw the Centauride’s torso twisted around as she stared at something behind our formation with interest. Following her gaze, I saw that the Royal Troopers were going back about the business of preparing for the siege as soon as the last Kayden Trooper had passed by. The effect was like a sea of bodies growing in to fill the space behind us.

  It all suddenly made sense to me. Giving a sign of their respect for what I’d done for them was all these men and women had to offer me. That was why they’d created a corridor to the gate for our group. I had a feeling that wouldn’t have happened if one of those nobles Dell was talking about had tried to cross the kill zone. I couldn’t help the shit-eating grin that came to my lips. Even though I hadn’t been within the city for a full day, I’d managed to make a connection with these men and women and earn their respect.

  Approaching the eastern gate, I saw my friends waiting off to the side of the tunnel-like exit animatedly talking to one another with a large group of zombies standing further back behind them, while an impromptu flock of flying squirrels playfully chittered to each other over everyone’s heads. It was pure luck, I silently thought, that all of the undead were newly summoned or the stench of rotting flesh would’ve been overwhelming within the city’s walls.

  Hearing the commotion of his brothers and sisters, Tengsly excitedly climbed out of my hood onto my shoulder and began animatedly chittering up a storm. I didn’t need a mental link to the little guy to know what he wanted. At my nod, a gray streak shot from my shoulder like a rocket as the group of flying squirrels chittered out a welcome cry a second later.

  Looking away from the chaotic display of aerial acrobatics, I saw a blazing smile cross Phoenix’s face as she began strutting towards me. Behind her, Krishna and six of his guildmates hurriedly began mounting up on the backs of what looked to be massive stags made from living vines that had appeared out of nowhere. Seeing that everyone seemed prepared to move out, I caught the veteran Swordsman’s eye.

  “Dell, keep the column moving as planned. The rest of us will hook-up as soon as we can.” Catching Dell’s answering fist salute out of the corner of my eye, I mentally linked to Neysa, ‘Let’s go see what’s up with everyone.’ Wordlessly, the Silver Dire Wolf angled towards my friends.

  “Yo Star, this is one sweet-ass blade,” Phoenix called out, as we rode up. Flexing her muscles, she struck a Barbarian pose with her new Vicious Blade of Rending planted into the ground between her booted feet.

  “You’re looking good girl,” I called back, as Neysa came to a stop in front of the red-headed beauty.

  “I still can’t believe you were just going to give this uncommon sword away as a prize,” Phoenix said, turning suddenly serious as she whipped the slim blade behind her neck and stuck her chest out.

  The pure sensuality in Phoenix’s casual movement once again caught me by surprise as I unconsciously found my eyes drawn to her impressive rack. I silently swore at the ease with which Matt was able to pull that shit off. That was the third time this morning she’d managed to pull that off if you counted the videos I’d been watching before logging in. With a mental shake, I focused back on the conversation at hand.

  “It was for a good cause,” I continued nonplussed, playing the moment off as if I was disappointed at losing out on the sweet loot. That was easily enough to do since I definitely could’ve used the blade for one of my companions. Though, I had to admit, offering it up as a prize had worked out better than I’d thought possible for stopping the surprise attack. And, with Phoenix winning, it still ended up in the family so to speak.

  “Yeah, it was,” Phoenix agreed with a big-ass smile plastered to her face, “me likey likes.”

  “Overlord Ironwolf,” Guard Leader Stonier snapped, giving me a proper fist salute as she walked up.

  The earnest respect and approval that she’d managed to put into those simple words caught me by surprise, especially with how she kept distastefully eying the Orc zombies that were shambling everywhere. No doubt she’d get used to them soon enough, I thought, before continuing out loud.

  “At ease Guard Leader,” I replied, automatically returning her salute. Before I could thank her for making sure Phoenix had gotten her prize, the Uten Syn guild officers came walking up as a group.

  “Morning Star,” Krishna cheerfully greeted from atop his Stag’s back.

  “Sup, guys,” I said, giving everyone a wave as I nearly fell out of the saddle.

  “Really, is that how you’re going to play it?” Angie playfully joked, from where she stood next to her in-game lover Gaelin. “After spending half the morning bitching that Star had forgotten all about us, you’re going to act like everything is fine once you see him?”

  “Can’t a guy complain in peace without being thrown under a bus?” Krishna griped, as his cheeks turned bright red.

  “Trust me when I say it was nothing personal,” I assured my friend, trying not to laugh at the odd couples’ back and forth, “It’s been a crazy morning.”

  “Says the man who led a Naked Raid to defend the city last night with his dong hanging out,” Angie innocently said, as several Uten Syn guildmembers scoffed loudly.

  “Wish there was a way I could’ve seen that in-game,” Julissa muttered to herself a little too loudly.

  ““Julissa!”” Angie and Monica both exclaimed, looking at their girlfriend in shock as I was suddenly removed from the spotlight.

  “What?” Julissa protested, “it has to be better than Braille porn.”

  “Not to be a killjoy here,” I hurriedly said as soon as I heard the words Braille porn, “but we really need to get moving.” From my experience with LAN parties, porn discussions of any type could quickly distract a group of gamers.

  “Let me guess,” Phoenix said, arching a delicately shaped eyebrow at me, “this was part of the story you were going to tell me about later?”

  “Not the Braille porn part,” I said, rolling my eyes as nearly everyone in the Uten Syn guild began animatedly talking about the Naked Raid and the more popular types of Braille porn that they’d heard about. Letting out a deep sigh at some of the comments being made, I called out loudly enough to be heard over the ruckus, “Did everyone at least get a mount?”

  “Got mine here,” Phoenix said, holding up a whistle-like device before giving me an apologetic shrug, “not that I can ride it yet.”

  “Don’t need to,” Krishna happily chortled, “our Nature magic tree automatically comes with a mount at Level 40 called Nature’s Guardian.” Patting the vine Stag on its flank, he excitedly continued as Kitano and Shadow Fang curiously sniffed the nature spirit in greeting. “This bad boy can carry up to two riders, has multiple attacks, and can be ridden right away without any negative effects to fighting or casting.”

  “Sweet,” Phoenix said, before giving us both a snarky grin, “while that beats my basic Horse of Palnisdale and the fifty gold I had to pay, it’s still worth it not to have to level up Nature magic.”

  “Oh please,” Krishna protested, clearly annoyed at having his magic tree dissed.

  “Phoenix,” I groaned in frustration, covering my eyes, “the tree has some awesome spells like manifesting pets, group heals, and magic armor. It’s worth leveling up big time.”

  “Yeah, whatever,” Phoenix laughed at my predictable reaction, “still not happening.”

  “Fuck you very much,” I said, rolling my eyes. Obviously, I wasn’t going to get many of my friends interested in skilling up the Nature magic tree past level 10. With a sigh, I turned to the Uten Syn Guild Leader noting something curious about his new ride.

  “So, Krishna, if your Natures Guardian can carry two, why isn’t Lyeneru riding behind you?”

  “Because Druids get a mount form at level 40,” Angie proudly said, stepping forward.

  “How many times do I have to say,” Krishna said, e
xaggeratingly rolling his eyes, “that your stealth form is not the same thing as a mount?”

  “You’re right,” Angie agreed, “it’s better.”

  “Better?” I asked, looking to Lyeneru for clarification as Krishna loudly gagged in frustration.

  “While the Umbra Hunter form is more for stealthy movement and sneak attacks,” Lyeneru began to explain, as her voice took on a scholarly tone, “the doubling it gives to a Druid’s base movement speed also happens to make the form function similarly to that of a typical mount. Though, with regular use of the form’s Sprint Ability, the form can reach near typical mount movement speeds depending on the individual Druid’s Endurance capability.”

  Phoenix and I shared a thoughtful look as the silver-haired Moon Elf went into further details on the form’s other abilities. The most useful was that the Druid’s equipped items upon transformation would enhance the forms natural weapons and defense. To what extent, Lyeneru didn’t say, but it made the forms attacks much more powerful than even a Silver Dire Wolf like Neysa and allowed for moves like Sneak Attack and Backstab.

  Additionally, the form seemed to have an odd connection to the Spirit Realm. From what Lyeneru was saying, the Umbra Hunter's attacks would ignore non-spirit physical and magical protection defenses by half. Likewise, all non-spirit physical and magical attacks would be reduced by half with the other half being mitigated, to a point, by the Druid’s equipped armor on transformation. Though, the Druid Trainer warned that all spirit-based attacks would inflict full damage.

  All of which, if I understood the hawkish look in my red-headed friend’s eyes, Phoenix and I found extremely interesting. While forms being empowered by a player’s equipped gear was nothing particularly new to MMOs, the spirit-enhanced attacks and defenses were something new that had definitely piqued my interest. Even more so after I remembered the odd Shade-like creatures that had attacked our raid when we were evacuating Domenic and his people the day before. Another thing, I realized, that I needed to follow up on when I had an extra moment or two.